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Dallas County Courthouse

28 September 2008 17,152 views No Comment

Dallas County Courthouse

The family district courts are located in the George Allen County Courthouse, on the corner of Commerce and Houston Streets, with entrances on Commerce. Plan to pay for parking or ride the DART, as there is no free parking. Underground parking runs $5-10 dollars for part of a day, with entrance at corner of Houston and Commerce on the edge of the “Old Red Courthouse”. Ground parking is located generally on east side of courthouse, and ranges up to $10.00. Lower priced coin lots ranging from $2.00 to $3.00 are located in the west end near Katy Railroad Yard, with a short five block walk. Currently, all functions of the Civil District Clerk are on the first floor (street level), with records requests one level down at Ground. The central jury room is located on the first floor, along with child support office and pass port office.

Dallas drivers not familiar with downtown, may want to leave early or test drive the trip the weekend before. The George Allen County Courthouse is white Granite and is located across from “Old Red” Courthouse.  Family District Courts locations are found listed on the Court Index located on the first floor of the courthouse by the escalators.
All of the courts request litigants, attorneys, and support personnel to be appropriately dressed in “Sunday” clothes. No shorts are allowed at anytime. The courthouse strictly enforces a “No Smoking” city ordinance, while in the county’s buildings. Pagers and cell phones should be turned off or set not to make an audible noise in the court room. Failure to observe these rules in the courtroom may subject one to delay of proceedings and/or contempt. No children are allowed inside the courtroom.

Dallas County conducts a search of all persons entering the courthouse using walk through metal detectors and x-ray devices for hand carried items. Be prepared on entering to place keys, cell phones, change, and pagers in trays provided. Security personnel may ask you operate your electronic devices to insure they are genuine. Please be reminded that long blade pocket knives and mace like sprays are considered weapons, and may be taken up by the security.

Address: George L. Allen, Sr. Courts Building, 600 Commerce Street, Dallas, Texas 75202


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