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What are Family Law Issues?

29 November 2022 14,044 views No Comment

  • Adoption – Do you need information and help with an anticipated domestic or foreign adoption or  step parent adoption?
  • Wills - Why do we put off making a will and providing for the ones we love and want to protect?
  • Power of Attorney – Should you be unavailable or incapacitated, have you taken the simple steps to plan ahead with a general power of attorney or a medical power of attorney or a HIPPA release?
  • Paternity –  What is involved in legally establishing a child’s father  as a legal parent and what are the consequences of doing so or not doing so?
  • Probate – When is probate necessary and how long is the process?
  • Joint Custody -  What are Texas Rules for a child’s Joint Managing Conservatorship?
  • Standard Visitation -  When divorcing are there Guidelines for Visitation with children?
  • Guideline Child Support – What are Texas Court Rules for parents to pay child support?
  • Domestic Violence – Would a Protective Order or a Restraining Order help?
  • Alimony – What spousal support laws are applicable when parties divorce?
  • Property – Will a disproportionate division or an equal division apply in my divorce?
  • Divorce Fault Grounds -  What  if alcohol, drugs, gambling, or pornography involved?
  • Elder Law – Special concerns for the senior citizen with a family law matter?
  • Interstate Family Law – Parents  living in two different states face jurisdiction conflicts?
  • Modification - May a Support or Visitation Court Order be modified for a  minor child?
  • Enforcement – How is child support best collected and how are visitation issues best resolved?
  • Children’s Education – What about college expenses for the kids?
  • Social Security Eligibility – Is Social Security subject to property division in a divorce?
  • Estate Documents – When and how should you update your will or power of attorney when  becoming a new parent, divorcing, or  having health problems?

All your questions and concerns are important to you. We offer both office consultations and telephone consultation if you live outside the Dallas Ft Worth metroplex, but think you have a matter for the Dallas/ Ft Worth/Denton/Collin County’s metroplex courts.

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