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Grounds for Divorce

15 February 2017 12,084 views No Comment

Most of us can expect a traditional divorce.
Each spouse may have individual ideas how the property and children should be handled in dissolving their marriage.   Attorneys rely on the Texas Rules of Procedure and Evidence to process the divorce through the Courts to a conclusion. This is a reasonable process with the help of  your attorney in most cases.

Do you have grounds for divorce?
You will want to discuss this issue with your attorney to determine what grounds for divorce may be available to you in your divorce case.

Does it matter what grounds for divorce that you may have?
Yes, the court may grant a divorce without regard to fault if the marriage has become insupportable because of discord or conflict of personalities that destroys the legitimate ends of the marital relationship and prevents any reasonable expectation of reconciliation.  A divorce granted on these grounds often will be the basis for an equal split of the community property by the Court.

Other grounds for divorce, that are fault grounds, include, Cruelty, adultery, conviction of felony, abandonment, living apart without cohabitation for at least three years, and confinement in mental hospital.

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